- Low Level Language
- High Level Language
- IDE ( Integrated Development Environment)
Programming language that normally translates from one source instruction to onne-object instructions.
These languages are machine dependent, The program or instructions written in these languages are in binary from and are very close to the machine language.
The main Low Level Language are:
Machine Language:
machine language is a language that a computer can understand.
A low-level language that is directly understandable by the computer system. Each model of a computer has a unique machine language. It is the fundamental language of computer and is written in the form of binary strings 1's and 0's. The programs written to machine language are very fast in execution. there are no limitations of Machine language. All types of high level programming language are also developed of Machine language. It is difficult to learn programming language because to learn this language, detailed knowledge of Hardware is required. It is also a time consuming method of programming. If there is any error in a program written in this language, it is difficult to find out the error. This language is machine dependent. To write an application program in this language, a programmer has to write a program according to internal structure of computer.
Assembly Language:
A low level programming language in which mnemonics are used to code operations and alphanumeric symbols are used for addresses. This language lies between high level language and machine language. Assembly language is very close to the machine language and was developed in 1950. In this language symbols are used instead of binary numbers. This language is, therefor, also called the symbolic language.In this language mnemonic codes are used in place of 1s and 0s to written a program 9or instructions). A mnemonic code is an alphabetical abbreviation used to represent the machine code instructions. For example, to represent an addition operation, a programmer might use the mnemonic AD. Assembly is used to convert the program written in assembly language into machine code.
High Level Language:
A programming language whose structure is application oriented and is independent of the structure of the computer is called High Level Language.
The programming language that is easy to understand for human being but difficult for machine due to frequent use of commonly used English Words is called High Level Language. Each statement of such a language is translated into many machine language statement. Sets of instructions are written in English words that are quite easy to understand which are then translated into machine language. The ease of high-level language provides many programmers a in past few years. A program written in High-Level Language an be executed on any computer, which has compiler is system software, which is used to translate program written in high level language into the machine executable form.
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (Language);
IDE is the latest kind of programming that has become most popular over the last few years. These language provides a visual environment of working in which user feels more pleasant to work and develop programs. The most significant aspect of these modern development facilities is that they provide a very large number of preprogrammed facilities to their programmers, which can simply be chosen by pointing and dragging certain pictures and icons on the screen that reduces the programming time. The IDEs infect provides a hybrid environment of the procedural and object oriented languages. Many user friendly and visual working facilities are grouped together in IDE.
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