Saturday, September 27, 2008

What is Basic Architecture of Computer?

Basic Architecture of Computer System
The Basic architecture of computer differs from computer to computer but the basic organization remains the same for all computers.
There are basic part of computer which are given below.
Mother board:
The main circuit board on which main memory, external cards and CPU are mounted is called the motherboard.
Central Processing Unit (CPU):
Microprocessor of computer also called CPU. It is the brain of computer. Each CPU has a set of pins through which it communicate which it communicate with all other devices. CPU consist of tow units given below.
ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit)
Cu (Control Unit)

ALU (Arithmetic and logic Unit)
This is the part of the CPU where all processing on data is performed. All the arithmetic operation like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication and logical operation such as greater then, less then and equality are performed in this part of the CPU.
Control Unit (CU)
The control unit control the operation of the entire system. This unit does not process data. The program instruction are selected and fed into CPU from the storage area. And from there the signals are sent to other components to execute the task.
A component in the computer used for storing data is called memory.
There are two main types of memory
Random Access Memory (RAM)
Read Only Memory(ROM)

Random Access Memory (RAM)
RAM is called the main memory of computer. It is also known as direct access memory, which means the every bit in memory is directly accessible. RAM is temporary memory. When the power is switched off all the data in ram is lost. So RAM is called volatile memory. RAM is circuitry board with no moving parts.
Types of RAM
There are two types of RAM
Static Ram
Dynamic Ram

Static RAM (SRAM)
Static Ram require more space and power the DRAM. But it is much faster then the DRAM, as it does not require to be refreshed again and again.
Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
Dram is least expensive but it is very slow because it requires to be refreshed again and again.
All the program and data must be transferred to Ram from any device such as input or storage devices before it can be execute.
The data stored in ROM is permanent. Once content stored in ROM can not be changed it can only be read by the users. If the power is switched off the data is not lost that is why it is know as nonvolatile memory. Mostly the information in ROM is stored by the manufacturers.

PROM stands for programmable read only memory. In this type of ROM user can write instruction but only once. If there is any error that can not be removed.

EPROM stands for erasable programmable read only memory. User can erase instruction stored on EPROM and write new programs.
EEPROM stands for Electronically Erasable programmable read only memory. In his type of ROM user can erase and write program using electrical pulses.

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